Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mental Retardation is a descriptive medical term, Retard is an Offensive Slur!

We’ve all been guilty of it. We use those with mental retardation as our scapegoats because they are the weakest and most vulnerable. “That’s so retarded”. “You retard”. “I’m so retarded”. Before my daughter was born, I didn’t think twice about using that slur. I didn’t know how rude and hurtful it is, not only to the mentally challenged, but their parents, friends, and family members, too.

Here’s an example…imagine if your precious, loving, funny, bright, and beautiful child was a little slower then her peers. Imagine how hard she has to work to get to those milestones like walking and holding a bottle, even, when her friends and cousins do those things almost effortlessly.
Then imagine how sweet the victory is when she finally-after months of practice-walks those first steps! Sure, she’s a little wobbly, and maybe doesn’t walk quite like the others, but SHE’S WALKING and that’s all that matters.

You are so proud of her for working so hard, and she’s proud, too. And then…and then along comes someone who is close to you, or maybe not so close and makes a minor mistake like spilling their drink or walking a bit slow or dropping something or doing something another person doesn’t like. And then you hear it.

“You retard!”

And you cringe and hope with all your might your beautiful daughter who is not a retard at all didn’t hear that-and if she did, you hope with all your heart that she doesn’t have a clue that that slur applies to her.

People with mental retardation can and have done so many things that blow away the typical mental retardation stereotype. Check THIS out! Can your “normal” child even DO this? Go Karen Gaffney!

There will always be ignorant people who continue to use medical terminology as a slur, just as there are still racists who use the “N” word. However, I know that the good, responsible people of this world will understand and be a little more sensitive in what they say. My family, my little girl, and people the world over thanks you for not putting a part of our human family down that needs all the hands up it can get.